March 21, 2011

  • Purim Lapbook!

    But when Esther came before the king, he commanded by letters that [Haman's] wicked device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.  Wherefore they called these days Purim after the name of Pur.  Therefore for all the words of this letter, and of that which they had seen concerning the matter, and which had come unto them, the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon ALL SUCH AS JOINED THEMSELVES TO THEM, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year; and that these days should be remembered and KEPT THROUGHOUT EVERY GENERATION, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days should not fall from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.
    - Esther 8:25-28

    I’m getting a little preachy this time.  Because I’m sorry, but if you claim to love the Lord and His chosen people, there is NO REASON you are not keeping this celebration.  In fact, by not keeping the feasts, you are illustrating your stance APART FROM the chosen people of Yehovah, and are in direct DISOBEDIENCE to scripture.  Annunciation, Lent, Easter, Good Friday, Ascension Day… NONE of them are commanded to be kept by all generations in scripture.  However, THIS (along with the seven in Leviticus 23) are.  Consider these things, because you are raising the next generation of believers – are you teaching them scripturally, or according to what ‘the church’ is telling you?  End of sermon.

    It’s Purim, and that means we’re taking off regular schooling to do a Holiday Lapbook!  THIS time, I don’t have to assemble a crapload of resources for you – because someone else did them up FREE on-line for me!   ((I love you, NoahideHomeschool.  You’re my hero.))

    For the cover and first inside page: 

    For the second page:
    Hamentashen fold out part 1 and 2
    Hamentashen fold out part 3

    Noisemaker snapper part 1
    Noisemaker snapper part 2

    Haman & Mordecai picture

    Haman, Esther, King, and Mordecai figures

    When is Purim? scroll (Adar 14)
    Where does the Megillah take place? map

    And… of course…  PICTURES!!  ((grins))  You know I show how it turned out:

    As usual… you know what to do!

Comments (10)

  • Hey Anna,

    We are planning on celebrating Purim this year, but will have to do so on Wed. & Thurs. because our 3 teenagers are hiking the AT right now. I realize the dates are important but we want the whole family involved.

    The lap book looks great! I’ll probably go ahead & do that with the younger ones.


  • Those little cookies sound pretty good – I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to celebreate Purim. I know people drink a lot on this holiday – obviously that can’t happen here (well it could – but just doesn’t seem like a lot of fun to me). But maybe we can make cookies for our friends!

  • I didn’t bake – we just got apple and cherry filled mini-pastry thingers at the bakery this year. Last year I used jelly doughnuts. And you don’t have to drink to enjoy yourself. :dance:

  • Ian made hamantashen (sp?) for us today – chocolate filled! They’re pretty tasty, too! He’s not into lapbooks…so we read the story, did a worksheet from….ah! (Adventures in MamaLand….VERY Jewish, and….dislikes Messianics to the nth degree, unfortunately. :rolleyes: )

    Too bad, because I like the stuff in the lapbook (I had found her site last week :p )

  • @ anna – no I don’t have to drink to enjoy myself – but sometiems I feel like I have to drink to enjoy other people.

  • We haven’t done a lapbook yet, but we did watch “A Night With the King” and had Sephardi meatballs and rice for dinner.  Then went on to discuss what hollywood messed up, lol!

  • :lol: :rofl: :bounce: ROFL, Ali!! :lol: :rofl: :bounce:

  • Hi Anna,
    this is a comment on the “we’re supposed to know”
    I believe that we are. You might try doing what the master said… Look up for your redemption draws near. Daniel said the wise will understand. David said the heavens declare Gods Glory. Wise men were astronomers. The knew how to read the Torah written above.

    Grace & Peace,

  • Funny you should say that, Romach… blog pending.

  • @HaddasahR - try the movie “Esther”. much better…

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