Month: January 2013

  • It’s the ‘Little’ Things…

    New island size of 25 football pitches appears off Germany from North Sea
    Retreating Shorline along Texas gulf Coast

    WHO:  Dengue showing global ‘epidemic potential’
    Central America battles to save coffee from fungus

    Wildfires Scorch Australia As Temperatures Reach Record Highs
    Record cold kills 80 in Bangladesh

    Snowpocalypse Russia: ‘Snow tsunami’ swallows streets, cars, buildings
    Another snowless record on tap for Chicago (since 1899)

    From one extreme to the next… Russia’s never had so much snow, Chicago’s never had so little.  Australia’s never been so hot, Bangledesh has never been so cold.  Disease is spreading like never before, both in plants and animals.  Land appearing in Germany while receding in Texas.  And then I read this:

    And it all makes a little more sense.

    As for us?  We had a terrible windstorm on Saturday night/Sunday morning. 
    When we woke up, this was the damage in Critter Corner.

    That would be the girl goat pen.  No goats were hurt/escaped, but
    What. A. Mess.  Brian got out and took off some of the smaller branches,
    but we have a BIG job to do next weekend….

  • Why I Dislike Humans

    Two days ago, Carmen_Black asked why I didn’t like people.  She wanted to know what my reasoning was.  Well, honey, the Lord reminded me *JUST* on the heels of that… and apparently for a purpose.  So I could come here and explain it to you in no uncertain terms.  I’m a little frustrated with people-type creatures this morning, and let me tell you just why.

    Last night, I got on-line after the kids went to bed to check on things before shutting down the computer for the day.  I was at Facebook because… well, let’s face it, everything that happens anymore, happens at Facebook.  I don’t need an RSS feed, I have ‘pages’ at Facebook that link me to the latest updated blogs and websites.  People don’t write on sites, they update statuses at Facebook.  So that’s where I end up spending the most time, anymore.

    One of my friends there is a Messianic gentleman we’ll refer to as P.  Ironically, he’s one of the people I met AT Facebook – just a random stranger that I saw post something somewhere, and I replied to his comment, and we hit it off, and have been friends ever since.  ((I do this a lot – a good handful of my friends at FB are people I only know at FB.))  P has links to Messianic articles, Jewish news, and some really beautiful Shabbat pictures that I love to see.  I love that he edifies me – very, very few people do that… I spend most of my time edifying other people.  P is a breath of fresh air in my world.

    Anyhow, last night P’s status report was a link to an article about the Temple Institute building the altar for the Third Temple.  His comment was, “It’s later than you think!“  And you know me… I thought, “You have GOT to be kidding me.  Poor P doesn’t know the HALF of it.”

    So I commented on his status.  I said, “P, the third temple’s altar was built in 2009… it’s three years later than YOU think!”  And because I do try to be a helpful person, I went BACK thru my blog archives, found the link to the post that has excerpts from the 2009 Israeli National News article, and posted the link on his FB after my comment.  Because you know me – I document everything, and I figured that would make it easier on him, having the link right at his fingertips.

    Fast forward to this morning.  The comments on P’s status that followed mine were as follows: 

    “I hope they didn’t use any tools!”
    “So how does that tie in to the Greater Exodus?” 
    “As I recall, the command was….
                                             to not use any tools when building it

    And I about threw my HANDS up in the air.  Because God Forbid anyone actually follow the link I provided.  You know what it says if you click the linkie?  It says,

    “The rocks were collected from the Dead Sea as documented in the accompanying video. The additional material for filling the cracks between the stones was collected with a gold-plated shovel, to prevent any contact with the iron. This altar has officially been ruled as Kosher and has been constructed to meet the exact specifications that are required to except sacrifices.

    That kind of would’ve answered the questions… *IF* they would’ve clicked the link and read the article to get the information directly for themselves.  For that matter, how hard would it be to scoot over to the Temple Institute site and find out for themselves?!??!  But honestly?  They didn’t even have to do that – I GAVE THEM a linkie right to the article pertaining!

    And still you get these completely ignorant comments from people who have been spoon-fed by a church all their lives and wouldn’t change it for the world.  They want everything given directly to them, and it better not require any reading or information absorption on their part.  It’s like they don’t even realize how depraved their state is.  It blows my mind.

    The crazy thing is that I went to bed last night thinking, “There’s a LOT more than the altar that I could tell them about…!!  They have NO idea just where we are.  The timeline, the SMS, the kick-off of the Sorrows… it’s so sad – there’s so much they’re missing!”  And I was bemoaning the fact that people aren’t interested in the rest… that I can’t tell P about any of those things.  ((Well, I can/do – I link all my blog posts to my FB so people know when I have put something up, so he has access via link to everything here))…

    But it’s FAR worse than that – people aren’t even interested enough in just this ONE topic – the third altar -  to click the link I put on P’s status update!  They can’t even be bothered with clicking one finger on a button and following a link to get the information.  They say they want Truth, but they’re lazy, uninformed, abysmally ignorant idiots.  I can’t believe just how much that pisses me off.  You have these people who act like they’re religious, like they have something, but if THAT’S the person who thinks they have something?  They’re severely deluded!!   What a tragically stOOpid world this is!!!

    And here I am, over here in my own little corner, posting links to articles, noting scripture and fulfillments and spending literally HOURS comparing astronomical events and feast days and prophecies and working all of the information out and writing it all down and sharing it with everyone…  I spent years working out WHY christianity is a cult, why it’s NOT the narrow path of righteousness, what Truth actually is and how the Old Testament protocol is actually illustrative of future events and why we are commanded to obedience to live out a dance that – like the celestial movements – play out the plan of all eternity…

    And then somebody shows up here and goes,
    “What a nice site, may Jesus bless you!”

    You WANT to know why I hate humans?  Because they have become so absolutely mindless, they have become so ignorant and ridiculous that you can put meat right under their noses, and they bump into it, bounce off, and go looking for it with the same half-assed passionless drive somewhere else.  It’d be laughable if it weren’t so hideously pathetic.  I can’t stand it – I don’t know how Yehovah can hold off the way He does.  I just want to lop heads off – they’re utterly useless, anyhow!!  Nobody uses them.  What a waste of oxygen!  I don’t get it.  I know He’s got a timing thing, and that it has to get just so bad before it’s go-time, but… good grief!!

    This is why I don’t like people.  I can speak Truth – shout it to the rooftops, back it up with articles, statistical charts, illustrations and timelines, and NOBODY gets it.  It drives me out of my mind.  People are a waste of time.  I know my job is to make sure the information is out there, in case anyone should dislodge their head from their posterior and actually fire up the old braincells, but for the most part, people just will never and don’t ever get a clue.  There is no logic, no rationale, no actual thought.  There’s no real hunger, and even those who claim it… I don’t see them researching, reading, looking, yearning.  I don’t see any passion.  I feel like the Fool on the Hill…

    Three days ago I wrote a post about Sandy Hook and what doesn’t make sense to me.  Eight people showed up and added information and other things that made them question what truly happened.  Over two HUNDRED people showed up to read the post – which means something somewhere is a-twitter.  But then this moron shows up and goes, “You’re a lousy christian for writing negative things about those poor babies.”  WHA….????  FIRST, she’s a newbie attacking my character (that she has no experience with) on MY site.  Second, I didn’t say ANYTHING about any babies, I said a lot about the gov’t and powers in control at the school.  Third… I am NOT a Christian!  Get off my site, you idiot!  Absolutely nothing of use to contribute, just this yapping mouth going 90/per, thinking she knows something when she’s so full of stupidity, logic couldn’t permeate if it wanted to!

    And it’s not just her.  The women at P’s facebook?  The people who show up and ‘Jesus’ me?  The people who I try to explain things to?  They can’t grasp it.  Can’t seem to figure out how to turn on their intelligence.  It drives me crazy.  They can’t even CLICK on a LINK to read for themselves.  And y’know, it’s a fact that you don’t really learn if you don’t do the research/work… make it your own study.  If you don’t see it/read it with your own eyes, it’s not yours.  You won’t retain, you won’t comprehend.  And since nobody wants to put themselves out with it, the WHOLE world is just pickling in ignorance.

    That’s why I don’t like humans.  That’s what drives me totally, utterly crazy.

  • May your day be blessed…

  • Irrational Fear

    Is it normal for a grown woman to be afraid of things?  I always thought that when you got older, you lost some of the silly, more irrational fears from your childhood.  Like being afraid of the dark, or being afraid of people you don’t know, or being afraid of forgetting your lunch money or missing the bus.  Being afraid of bullies or fearing that you’re too small for an activity.

    It doesn’t work that way, though, does it?  Or maybe I’m just not normal.  ((Hey, like that would be revelation of the century.))  I’m in my late 30s, mother to five children, kissing away their tears and holding them when they’re afraid, and I’m not any braver, it seems, than they are.  Why is that?  Did I just never catch the grown-up bus?

    I’m not afraid of the dark, anymore.  But there’s a totally different explanation for that one:  I moved out of my mother’s house.  When I was little (it started when I was about seven), I became terrified of her house.  And it wasn’t just THE house – remember, I grew up military, we moved around a lot.  It was EVERY house… until I moved out on my own.  And then that repressive, dark, horrible… whatever it was no longer oppressing me.  And it was then that I realized that something had been there and it was attached to her, and by removing myself from her I didn’t have that to contend with, anymore.  ((Ironically, about three months ago my mom told me that one of my sister’s triplets is now terrified of being in any room of their house alone, and refuses to go upstairs.  She’s seven years old, I should add.  And I remember being the same way – RUNNING to keep in the same room as other people, and pretending I was just being silly and playing, when I was actually terrified out of my mind.  I feel for that child… she has over a decade of that go to through, living with Grams…))

      But I don’t mean that, I mean the other things.  And maybe it’s not just me, because now that I think of it, I’m pretty sure that’s why most people are so set into patterns and routines.  Because the familiar is safe, it’s comfortable.  Seeing the same faces means never having to speak to that stranger.  No chance of rejection or censure or anything discomforting.  Going to the same familiar haunts means that you know what will happen, will recognize the smells, colors, sounds…  We seem to find a place and nestle down, and never look past that nest.  What about what’s just outside?  I mean, it’s not like we have to travel to Portugal to see the world… the world is just outside of our doorsteps… things we have never seen can be 500 feet up the same road as we live on.

    Or am I just weird, because I want NOT to be that way, and what I’m actually afraid of is ending up… rote?  So nestled in that I don’t notice, anymore.  I find myself wondering what it would be like NOT to live in Michigan, for example.  What about the West Virginia hills, or the northeast corner of Montana, or on the craggy coast of Maine?  Or what about thinking REALLY outside of the box, and consider a city, like Pittsburg, New Orleans or Brooklyn?  Talk about out of character for the little blonde homesteader nestled in the woods!  But I think about these things.  Maybe because I haven’t tried it, it’s a sign that I’m stuck.  And worse, maybe I’m afraid of becoming stuck.  And being afraid of becoming stuck may be a sign that I’m unable to commit to a place/thing/particular way.

    I tried to deal with it last year.  I slated us to take an ‘adventure’ every weekend of the year.  Nothing big, like leaving the state, but just little hikes, visits, day trips, festivals.  It didn’t work every weekend, factoring in life, but we did manage to have a lot of them.  And even so, even after going here and trying that and seeing this… I still feel tiny and uncertain.  Even after stretching some toes outside the nest, I feel like I’ve done so little and know even less.  I feel like I’ve tried nothing at all.  And y’know, that feeling is frightening to me, too.  Because what does that mean?  Does it mean that I’m insatiable?  Or does it mean I haven’t reached the right things, yet?  Does it mean I’m trying to do something I shouldn’t be doing at all?  Sit down, shut up, and be good, Anna?

    S omeone once said that a person should never be content, because it means you’ve stopped reaching and growing.  I took it that contentedness equated to complacency, and that it was a bad thing.  But then there was that preacher who scathingly told me that as a prophet, I would never be content until I got to Heaven… like lacking contentment was a bad thing and I was going to be a pain in the ass of everyone I meet for the rest of my life.  Well, I mostly avoid people, so that hasn’t come to pass so much… although I’ll admit (and this post attests to the fact) that I am often a pain in my own ass, anyhow.

    I don’t know what I’m getting at.  It’s probably the long week of fevers and sickness, being cooped up in the house eight days straight.  Maybe it’s just the stark trees and rotting piles of leaves exposed now that the snow is gone getting to me.  It could be mid-winter blahs, come early.  But… I just have this strange, unsettled feeling, and it’s been growing and choking me up… and I don’t like that it smacks of those old familiar feelings of uncertainty that I had as a child.  I wanted to conquer those.  I wanted to build safeguards and learn counter-attacks and to be stronger and more capable… and I don’t feel like I’m anywhere near that.

    I wonder if we ever really overcome that.
  • Sandy Hook Stinks

    I’m sorry, I know that most of you out there are still sending snowflakes to the school, are praying for the families, are posting little signs on your FB pages about “remembering the children, not the shooter” or how we need to pay attention to abortion like we do to Sandy Hook…

    But something has NEVER smelled right about Sandy Hook to me.

    First, there was the superintendent.  I watched a video interview with this woman – she’s in CHARGE of the school system, and all the children therein, mind you.  She said that she checked the database and couldn’t find Nancy Lanza in their files, BUT… in the next breath said Nancy Lanza could’ve been a substitute?  If that isn’t in the files, they’d better get a new system!  You’d think they would KNOW who is teaching those children!!!  Wouldn’t you?  Do you KNOW who is teaching your children?  When you send them off to school, do you KNOW who will spend eight hours with your child?  What they believe, if they’re on medications, if they pissed off someone with a history of substance abuse or mental illness who could show up and put a bullet in your baby?  The Sandy Hook superintendent didn’t know.  Wanna see the video?

    Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

    She also said in the video that every day at 9:30am the doors of her school were locked so that no one could get in without being buzzed in, and that she didn’t know how the shooter gained access.  Don’t you think – as a superintendent – she ought to KNOW how he gained access?  Otherwise, the ‘security measures’ aren’t worth a wooden nickle! 

    Then two days ago NaturalNews sent me a link to their article on the Sandy Hook tragedy.  According to the article, the Sandy Hook fundraising relief page was created THREE DAYS BEFORE the actual shooting even occurred.  And Natural News took a screen shot of the Google search page to prove it!. Would you like to read the article?  Click Here.

    Now there are things that I do know.  For one, I do know that the government wants to revoke the second amendment.  I know that Obama, in particular, has been really pushing for that.  It’s like Adolph Hitler said, ‘To conquer a nation, first disarm it’s citizens.”  Every nation on earth that has allowed this ended up with mass genocide as a result, complete repression of citizenry as a bonus.

    I also know that fear is the best motivator.  So if you convince the people that it’s terrifying to have ‘weapons’ in the hands of the public, if you can convince them that there will be unpredictable threats to the masses if the people are allowed to have firearms… then you can convince the people that getting rid of the firearms will fix the problem.  Except it doesn’t:

    Worst School Massacre in US history: Bath, Michigan School Massacre. 1927. Murder accomplished with explosives. 44 victims (equal to the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres combined).

    Worst Domestic Terrorist Attack in US History: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing. 4/19/95. Murder accomplished with a rental truck full of fertilizer based explosives. 168 dead (including many children in an onsite day care).

    Worst Foreign based Terrorist Attack in US History: September 11, 2001 attacks on NYC, PA, Pentagon. Murder accomplished with box cutters and commerical airliners.

    No guns needed.

    But what is the first thing people were shouting for after Sandy Hook?  Get rid of the guns!!  What laws are they trying to pass?  Gun control laws.  What’s dominating the news, lately?  This huge push for gun control laws.  Here are some fun articles, if you’re interested:

    I’ll tell you what else I do know.  That it’s the SCHOOLS that are the problem.  It still blows my mind that – after all of this – people STILL send off their children every day… some even back to the same places that shootings have occurred!  They have children, and ditch them at these (shall I add GUN-FREE?) government  facilities for eight out of twelve waking hours, five out of seven days of the week for nearly two decades?  To be under the supervision of one or two people per every TWENTY-FIVE children?  To be controlled by the gov’t, which, btw, is all protected by guns while the children are NOT.  These school  holding facitilites have dismally mediocre ratings in the world… I read that we’re in 18th place out of 36 nations… that’s halfway down the list.  In case you’d like more info on that… but honestly, it’s just another fun link:

    To me, the problem isn’t security for the barrel of fish. 
               The problem is the barrel. 
                          But then, I’m a homeschooler,
                                     and they’re trying to strip citizens of THAT right, too.

    So I guess if I were going to think like ‘the other guy’, and I wanted to get rid of guns and control the populace… I would build government facilities and herd the people’s children into it.  Heck, you could even use them as ‘shelters’ to herd people into during hurricanes and stuff.  It’d be a great place to release a disease, too, wouldn’t it?  Then I would make those government facilities gun-free, for the children’s protection, of course.  Then I would buzz in some unstable maniac and load the weapon for him, and let him have a field day… and have the superintendent tell the people we had NO idea how he got past security or if his mother worked there… for that matter, we don’t know WHO works there.  Then I would turn the focus from the shooter to the children, those poor babies, to pull every heartstring I could.   We already have the relief funds set up, three days before the event is even slated to take place! 

    Then I would – because there’s no logical explanation for anything else – turn to the one thing people DO know… and that’s that a gun was used.  Remember, no mentioning the unstable shooter… we don’t want a face, we want a weapon to be demonized.  Without the face, the gun becomes the killer.  And then?  We tell the public that in order to be ‘safe’, we need to take away all the guns.  And as for all of the pesky pro-arms christian righties?  Distract them.  Compare Sandy Hook to abortion, get them talking in circles, making a metaphor of it, philosophizing the sanctity of life.  Tie them up in distractions so that they’re utterly useless.  Because if they’re chasing bubbles, they won’t be a threat, won’t organize and prevent anything you want from happening.

    And honestly?  I see it happening.  I see our nation being stripped of the right to bear arms.  I don’t think it will be stopped, and I don’t think enough people will fight back.  They’re afraid.  I was talking to this (laughable) dude on FB one day… he’s the type who posts TONS of pro-firearms, pro-liberty, pro-patriot stuff on his page?  So I asked him… if it came down to it would you fight back?  If they came for your guns, and you knew you’d go to jail for resisting, would you go?  And y’know what he said?  “My kid has diabetes… I have to work to have health insurance for her meds.  I can’t go to jail.”  So for all that bluster, for all the pictures… nobody’s gonna stand up.  We will lose our rights, I see it coming.  And we will lose our guns.  The little, registered ones, anyhow.  ((Have fun trying to track down what everyone has as far as rifles, shotguns, and the like.))

    I know that they took guns away from people in Chicago.  I also know that Chicago’s gun-related deaths doubled in 2012, as a result.  I know they took guns away from people in Britain.  Here’s a chart of what has happened there – as the gun ownership went down, the crime went freakin’ off the charts.  It’s been proven over and over and OVER again… and yet people just don’t seem to get it.  HALF of the Americans want gun control.  Are you OUT of your minds???

    In Israel, they armed the teachers, and the incidents dropped practically to nothing, from very high levels.  But do we take the hint?  Good heavens, no!!

    Something about Sandy Hook stinks.  Something smells of a set-up.  And the more time goes by, the more information comes out, and the more I see… it’s wrong.  Something’s wrong with the whole picture.  I don’t know who is behind it, but I’m pretty certain the whole thing was orchestrated for a purpose.  And that I may just live to see that purpose fulfilled.  So pardon me for not sending out snowflakes or donating money to people who chose to throw their children into a barrel with who-knows-what-person watching them.  Forgive me if I don’t fall for the ol’ circle-talking discussions about how life in the womb is as apt to be murdered and get less attention than the Sandy Hook children, etc.  Because I think I’m seeing a bigger picture… and frankly, it’s got me pretty upset.
  • Bullet Blog

    • G’morning.
    • I’m ((sort of)) back.
    • Yesterday I pretty much did what Isaac had done…
    • I hid under a blanket and shivered half to death. 
    • I’ve never been so cold in my life.
    • By seven this morning, I couldn’t stand laying down another moment.
    • My muscles were cramped up from being so tense/shaking.
    • … and Aaron has got it today.
    • With the littles, I give them meds for pain/fever.
    • For me, I typically don’t.
    • I just got in the habit of not from years of nursing/pregnancy.
    • But last night I broke down and took Dimetapp.
    • It made ALL the difference.
    • Anyhow, this means no dance class for us this week.
    • I don’t care.
    • I’m still not… focusing.
    • I folded laundry and got some of the dishes off the shelf, but…
    • Even that wipes me.
    • Weren’t we just sick in November????
    • Isn’t there a limit – like once every quarter, tops?
    • (((Well, there should be.)))
    • My face hurts.
    • I think it’s from gritting my teeth/chattering for so long.
    • That is SO weird.
    • That’s probably the reason for my killer headaches, too.
    • We discovered the sweetest little movie this weekend while sick.
    • It’s called ‘Penelope’, with Christina Ricci.
    • We all loved it – ended up watching it twice in a row.
    • We’re doing the faerie tale, ‘Beauty and the Beast’…
    • … and ‘Penelope’ is a reverse version of that tale.
    • It was really cute.
    • The Rebecca deMornay Beauty & the Beast was cute, too.
    • There’s supposed to be a b/w version coming in the mail, today.
    • We watch as many versions as we can,
    • …then compare/contrast them.
    • VERY sick of chicken broth, btw.
    • Everyone is.
    • When/if I get the energy, I’ll come up with something more.
    • It’s gotten sunny around here the past few days.
    • What dusting of snow we’ve had is almost gone.
    • I kept telling everyone we won’t be getting snow like we used to…
    • ((((nobody ever believes me.))))
    • I think that has a lot to do with the sicknesses.
    • Weather change always makes it worse.
    • The body doesn’t like toggling back and forth between temps.
    • S’why I was rarely sick when we lived in the U.P.
    • ((It’s another one of my personal theories, anyhow.  LoL!!))
    • I… am sitting up too long.
    • Gonna go lay down.
    • Will talk to you later.
    • Have a nice day.

  • Guess who’s sick today?
    That’d be me.

    Owen spiked a terrible fever in the night and was up every hour and a half screaming and shaking.  Meds didn’t help very much, and I felt his pain… I had the body ache thing going on.  When Brian got up to go to work, I pulled Owen in with me and we commiserated our misery together.  On top of that, Aunt Flo has come to visit, and with a vengeance this time.  As if body aches weren’t enough!

    All of that’s left me completely exhausted today.
    Hence the non-post.

    So sorry… I shall return again, another day.

  • No Interest in Posting

    This happens to me every once in a while.  I just don’t have a pressing need to write anything here.  In all actuality, I’ve been thinking about going back and protecting everything that isn’t on my sidebar, and just quitting, altogether.  Honestly, I just don’t see the point of making everything in my life so public.  Will wait to see if that persists or not… because I’ve been here, before, and I haven’t closed up, yet.  But it is niggling, and… well, there it is.

    As for what’s happening around here, we’re sick.  Lydia got it first on Thursday night (I think she picked it up at dance on Wednesday) and got up Friday just sobbing… highly unusual behavior for a 12-year old.  Isaac followed shortly after, and transformed into some subspecies of human for about two days straight, refusing to eat or emerge from under a blanket.  If you looked in his direction, he burst into tears.  Owen was next… and that’s a rough one.  Aaron’s still doing okay, but this morning Ethan joined the crowd, and I think Brian’s on his way in, too – he’s claiming to be dizzy and feel ‘outside of himself’.  It’s not the flu – nobody’s doing anything I have to clean up, but it seems to be a fever with a hacking cough and massive dizziness with loss of appetite.  A head flu?  Is there such a thing?  I don’t know, but we’re laying low around here, waiting for it to pass.

    And that’s all I’ve got for today.

  • Story of the World Chapter Twenty-Six

    ~~~~~~~ West to the Americas! ~~~~~~~~~

    FINALLY…!  We have made it out of Greece and across the Atlantic to a completely different people group.  One that I have never heard of in all my born days, if you want to know.  A people found in Peru that were called the ‘Nazcas’.

    Apparently the Nazcas drew pictures… but the interesting thing about these pictures is that they were miles long.  You can’t see the pictures, except from an aerial view.  Here are some of the pictures/symbols that they carved into the land, apparently for their gods:

    If it weren’t below freezing, we could go outside and try to make a huge picture, perhaps using the whole beach out at Tunnel Park.  There’s a big lookout over it, and that would be the perfect place to try something like this.  Maybe we’ll do that this spring, and I’ll add the pictures later.  But right now?  We’re covered in snow, and we’re just adding this picture to our Book of Centuries, for documentation purposes.

    On the other hand, as I was typing this, I stumbled upon an article (LINK) about snow pictures.  Take a look at this!

    So maybe we should get out there and do something, after all?

  • May your day be blessed…