October 13, 2012

  • Patchwork Rant

    • Uh-Oh …is right.  I don’t think I’ve gotten this upset since… Yom Kippur.  But this is different, this isn’t something out of our hands, this is the STUPIDITY of MANKIND and I don’t think I can take much more, really I truly don’t.  Have they done this to you, yet?  Has it happened at your library?  Have you gone in to get a book from the 720s and THERE AREN’T NUMBERS ON THE BOOKS, ANYMORE?!?!?!  Am I the *only* person who valued the Dewey Decimal system?!??!  I’m absolutely floored.  Angry beyond all words.  How could they DO that?!?!?!?  The entire 14-branch inter-library system has gotten rid of the system this entire country has utilized for well over a HUNDRED years.  Is society really so dumbed down that we can’t even follow a chronological numerical pattern in order to locate a book?!?!  And worse, the new system (BISAC – book industry standards and communications) is so convoluted, I might NEVER find another book again as long as I live.
    • I went in looking for ‘Men and Gods’.  I knew it’s call number – I checked it out once before and made a note of the reference number.  I get there, and there’s… NO… NUMBERS!!!!  So I flag down this vacant and obscenely idiotic librarian, and ask why they took the numbers off the books.  And of course, she can’t give me one good reason, because there isn’t one!!!, and instead she’s trying to explain to me how now they have categories, and then those categories are broken down into sub-categories, which are broken down into sub-sub-categories, and it could even break down further than that into sub-sub-sub-categories.  So my book is now going to be in ‘Religion’ (because I would look for ‘myths’ under ‘religion’, too, wouldn’t you?) under the subcategory of ‘World’ under the subcategory of ‘myth’.  And all I want to to is clock her in the head with as many books as I can reach, which at that point was A LOT, being we were in a libary… because she also informed me that my book still has a call number along WITH the BISAC in their system, which means it’s been shipped out to ‘processing’ to receive it’s new coding, and won’t be available for several weeks, they can give no definite time, we’re very sorry, ma’am.
    • Y’know, I had issues when they went to the on-line catalog.  I did and still DO… because the damned thing NEVER works.  Last week you could look up books, but the system was on the fritz and didn’t give locations, just the call number/BISAC (it’s in turn-over, you know) and if it was on the shelf or not.  A long list of ‘On Shelf’ with no locations next to them.  And that’s a GOOD day – if they’re down for server upgrades or technical difficulties, you’re totally screwed.  Leighton library (I don’t go out there, anymore) didn’t even bother to INSTALL a library electronic card catalog, because the branch was too small and there’s no room, so if you want to look something up, you have to stand in line at the desk for THEM to do it for you.  And as if that wasn’t a big enough pain in the butt?  NOW DEWEY HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!!!!
    • What’s next is that they take the chapter markers and verses out of Bibles.  They’re antiquated, and we can just have sections called ‘Law’, ‘Battles’, ‘Kings’, ‘Poetry’, ‘Prophets’, ‘Jesus’, and ‘Letters’.  Oh, and don’t forget that last chapter, ‘Myths’.  Because that’s what I’m equating this to.  And do you know what people will say?  “Thank GAWD!! I could never pronounce ‘Thessalonians’, anyhow!  This will be SO MUCH easier, without all of those ADDRESSES to remember!!  It’s about time!”  Morons.
    • I ranted (loudly) about it at Burger King (after telling the librarian in no uncertain terms where she could stick her BISAC), and the girl at the counter didn’t know what Dewey was.  ((WHO, idiot.  Dewey is a PERSON.))  Then I was ranting at the table to Brian – who met us there after all this – and the table with the texting soccer mom and the table with the iPod/earbud wearing teens didn’t even register anything.  The soccer kid gave me a funny look, but then, he’s probably not used to people talking, not texting… with real words. [Poor kid, mummy was FAR too busy to pay attention to him.  Probably doesn't know the Dewey Decimal is gone, either, let alone what it is.]
    • I also tried to address it at scrapbooking last night (I went to a church ladies’ night to scrapbook – no danger of spiritual talk, so it’s been kewl up to last night, when they started playing “JEEEZUS!!  I PRAISE JEEEEZUS!!! over and over, really, really loudly.).  Anyhow, I thought it’d be a topic for scrapbooking… the demise of Dewey Decimal.  MJ (names changed to protect the imbecilic) and Aunt Mae were the only two who could hear me over the howling radio.  MJ said, “What’s the Dewey Decimal System?”  (She’s in her 30s, btw.)  “I don’t have time to read.  I barely manage a chapter in my Bible before bed, and even then, I don’t register what I’m reading, so I have to put it down…”  Aunt Mae said, “Oh, honey, I haven’t been in a library in YEARS and YEARS…”  And I had to work REALLY hard not to cry.
    • Aunt Mae informed me that she wanted to know more about the feasts I celebrated (that were the reason I didn’t scrapbook in September with them).  So I showed her our Omer chart, and explained that Leviticus 23 commands us to count off the 50 days from Pesach/Passover to Shavuot/Pentecost.  That it’s a time of getting closer with the Lord, as Israel drew spiritually nearer from when they left Egypt to the foot of the mount where they met Yehovah.  She said, “Pentecost?  Oh, that’s the day the Holy Spirit came down.  It doesn’t have anything to do with the Israelites.”  ((That’s right, ma’am.  The only part of your Bible that applies is the New Testament.))  I about vomited in my mouth when she added, “Beth Moore has a wonderful study on the feasts…”
    • WHY. DO. I. BOTHER?!?!??!?!
    • The conversation then went to Bible studies, and it went like this:

    MJ:  So, how are you liking the new evening study book?
    Aunt Mae:  Oh, I LOVE our new study!  It’s SO good!
    Crabapple:  I don’t like it at all.
    Aunt Mae:  ((gasp))  Why not?
    Crabapple:  It’s got no depth.  No meat.  It’s too simple.
    Aunt Mae:  Yes, but that’s GOOD!  I can’t handle anything deeper. (!!)
    MJ:  The beauty of the study is that you don’t have to do any reading or homework.  I don’t have time for that kind of thing.  I just like to go and have conversation.  You can get SO much out of the conversations, at weekly study…

    • I think I figured out WHY they got away with ditching the Dewey Decimal System.  Because mankind’s collective brain has officially fallen out.  The Mayans got it right – I don’t know how they made a science of it, but they actually calculated the apex of global idiocy.  It’s incredible.  The world is ending, people.  It truly is.  I can’t… there aren’t… words can’t even CONVEY how bad things are.
    • And not just this, the whole election thing.  I have these friends – people I have valued as the rare intelligent ones – who have lost all signs of courage, fortitude, logic, and reason.  They’re voting for ‘the lesser of two evils’ because they believe that there are only two candidates (there aren’t!) and that if they actually vote their conscience and fight for something OTHER than that false ‘two-party’ lie, that their vote will be thrown away.  That’s WHY there’s this illusion of a two-party system – because NOBODY WILL STAND UP AND FIGHT IT!!  Just me and Iggy Integrity aren’t gonna do it – YOU have to help, and you’re busy claiming to be a christian who has a political savior who’s a Mormon.  WHAT. IS. THAT?!?!  You do know the man thinks he’s going to die and become a god of his own planet, just like the god of our planet is just a man who died and became god of earth, right?  And THIS is what you want as your leader?  aRe you iNSaNe?!?!?!
    • I realize this is getting long.  That you find me tedious and ridiculous and a lot of out ‘ous’ words that I’m not going to add, because they have multiple syllables, and as it is, I’m likely WAY over most of your heads, anyhow (based on my sole real life interaction of the month with the scrapbook ladies… THREE of which were teachers).  I realize that you couldn’t give a flying fig about Dewey Decimal or Mormonism and think I’m extreme in my views on Beth Moore and the Mayans.  But y’know what?  THIS STUFF IS IMPORTANT!!  They always said, ‘if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything‘… and well, it’s happened.  The whole world has stopped standing and fell for it all, and now they’re bemoaning their stupidity, because they’ve sunk so deep in ignorance that they couldn’t dig themselves out with a SHOVEL, where our country is concerned.  They don’t even register the ignorance of their own lives, at all.  I weep.
    • Yesterday I posted a picture on my FB.  I think it’s a fitting summary of my rant:
      This is my new reality.  It’s ugly.  VERY, very ugly.
      Even so, Yeshua, COME!!!!!

      PS:  For more information, click here.
      PPS:  Shabbat Shalom.  :

Comments (8)

  • Thank YOU!!!! For posting everything that I keep in my head! LOL I do know of ONE librarian who is soooo freakin angry that they are doing away with the Dewey system. I am surprised more of them aren’t up in arms about it. But most of them all seem just like your scrapbooking ladies. “Oh why fight the system” kind of thinking. Because it’s a system that WORKS right now! Hellooooooo! I tell you what, if I had been at that BK we could have had a crazy ol loud conversation that would have turned heads. LOL

    As for the election crap I have shocked my fair share of pollsters that call up on the telephone, and you know how bad I hate talking on that thing…. but they got questions to ask, and I got answers, and then their “I have four quick questions” turns into them asking questions that ain’t even on their list. LOL People need to wake the freak up!

  • see what happens when you don’t take the daily dose of flouride? The minions are medicated – they just don’t care – I believe they lack the appropriate biochemistry to care – it is physically impossible – their dopamine receptors are all clogged up with garbage – they don’t even know what is good anymore – everything is fine – go back to facebook, check your email, ohh look dancing with the stars is on!! Shiny!

    the whole exchange at the bible study! ArGGhh!! Oh I feel your pain – except only vicariously because I will not go to a scrapbooking party at the church. you are like a candle in a tornado…no wait. a candle in a vacuum. Try to shine but every freaking person is trying to suck the life out of you.

    I have a rant of my own…maybe later today.

  • THIS is why we need a rapture, now. We are like Lot, trying to reason with the zombies at the door, and there’s just too many of them and no reason left.

    PPPS: 720 is the area you used to go to for books on Charcoal drawing. Apparently it’s under ‘Barbeque’, then ‘Art’, then ‘Black things that smear’, now.

  • Even in your misery you are freaking hilarious. I feel bad laughing at something so sad.

     Good thing you live so far away. I would be tempted to visit otherwise.

  • Yes Anna, my parents are insane. So is my sister for that matter, who just luvs her Romney and since she finds Ryan attractive that’s the only qualification he needs to be president should Romney fly off to spaceplanet land and leave Mr. Catholic Muscle Man behind.

    I truly feel your pain here. With all of it. I read stuff every day, write/rant, and then just close the page because I think… this makes me so distressed I can’t think anymore and it will do no good to rant. Ranted the other day…and am still fuming.

    The Brits still use Dewey, so he tells me… and he also feels your pain (after I explained this nonsense to him).

  • I haven’t been to a library in Years, because the 2 in my area ……. Suck. Seriously – I have more personal books than my city’s library, and more reference books than the other one. Sad, really….but I gave up. ILL is a joke – I requested an available book 7 years ago…and it still hasn’t shown up. (I found a copy on eBay…..sad)

    I really wish Yeshua would get tired of tarrying :lol:

  • cagey – ryan reminds me of tobey macguire – but older and with exagerrated features…

  • I read the article and I am just … stunned. I just can’t put into words what is going on in my mind right now. Thankfully this has not happened in our small library yet. We go there quite often and I have taught my daughter how to look for books. I still miss the card catalog some days.

    I do not discuss politics with my outside family. My dad is straight for Obama and mom’s church is for Romney. I am just saddened whenever the topic comes up. My parents do not even do the research. Mom follows the church (which irritates me!) and Dad just believes all Republicans are evil. For those few that don’t like both, they will still vote for the lesser evil because they believe voting 3rd party won’t change anything. It’s a truly sad world we live in. No one thinks for themselves anymore.

    I am not surprised with the ladies in your scrapbooking group. Seems to be the norm nowadays.

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